Striving to Know, Embrace, and Share Christ in a Loving Community. Come Join Us!
Striving to Know, Embrace, and Share Christ in a Loving Community. Come Join Us!
Signed in as:
The wardens of Trinity Episcopal Church can be reached by email at
Co-Warden: Mark Boudway
Co-Warden: Chris Young
Treasurer: Wayne Burt
Clerk: Anne McKee
Beth Herbst
Sue Nelson
Barbara Romans
Shannon Murphy
Phil Hall
Gail Olyha
Joan Tansi
Walter Pelrine
Jeff Hall
Rev. Lauren Lukason
Members of the Trinity Vestry are elected to terms of one, two, or three years, depending on the position:
The parish follows parliamentary procedures, and campaigning or solicitation of votes before the annual meeting is prohibited.
Members of a religious group who are not an ordained minister or priest are members of the laity. The noun laity is from the word lay, and lay person has a similar church meaning. The word lay itself is from the Greek word laikos meaning “of the people.”
Each Episcopal parish is governed by an elected group of lay members known collectively as the Vestry. Elections for open positions are held at the Annual Meeting of the parish. Using a process outlined in the sample by-laws of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, Trinity’s current Vestry appoints a nominating committee, who then diligently searches the parish for a recommended candidate to fill each empty seat. Any other parishioner may also run for any open position, simply by self-nomination during the election portion of the Annual Meeting, or having another person nominate him or her. In the case of more than one candidate for a position, a written ballot will be taken immediately, and the results tallied by the rector and parish administrator. Simple majority decides the election.
In addition to the Vestry, there are other opportunities to become involved in church leadership. Every parish sends both clergy and lay representatives to the diocesan Annual Convention to represent the parish. In addition, Trinity is part of the Taunton River Deanery and sends members of the parish to represent us at Deanery meetings. All of these representative positions are elected offices, with elections held during the Annual Meeting in February. Nominations are taken during the meeting itself.
Delegates to Diocesan Annual Convention
Eoghan Bacon
Bill Tansi
Alternate delegate:
Linda Bacon
Representatives to the Taunton River Deanery
Jan Levangie
Annemarie Bettison